Sun Resistant Solutions: The Best Doors and Paint for Protecting Your Sun-Exposed Exterior Door | Plastpro Inc

The average front door is exposed to harsh sunlight throughout most of the year. The sun even shines bright on some winter days. However, most homeowners do not protect their exterior door from the sun simply because taking this step for your entry door can quickly become out of sight and out of mind. 

Plastpro is here to help with innovative door designs. The right paint has the potential to extend the life of a front door well beyond expectations. Combine the best paint for a front door that gets a lot of sun with consistent cleaning and a high-quality door and your home’s entry door will look vibrant and stand the test of time.

The Science of Sun Damage on Exterior Doors

Extended sun exposure compromises door materials including exterior door integrity. Choose the wrong paint for your front door or fail to protect it through other means and you’ll eventually spot warping and fading. You might also notice the door becomes more susceptible to weathering, ultimately limiting its useful lifespan. 

The solution lies in UV-resistant paints, meaning those resistant to ultraviolet light. Select a Plastpro sun-resistant door and your door will remain visually pleasing, functional, and strong for years to come.

When looking at the front door of a home, you are actually viewing the rays of the sun that the entryway reflects. The problem lies in the fact that substances within doors that reflect such colors eventually become battered by UV rays. The battering causes damage and the door is less capable of reflecting rays. As a result, colors can dull and pale to the point of fading.

Understanding UV Radiation

UV radiation takes a toll on human skin as well as doors. A home front door without UV resistance will gradually degrade. Fiberglass doors, like those offered by Plastpro, have a proven track record of success in withstanding the sun’s wrath yet other door materials are more likely to suffer damage such as warping and fading. 

Choose a UV-resistant fiberglass door and you’ll enjoy an invaluable peace of mind. These durable doors withstand the impact of UV light, preventing potential degradation.

Signs of Wear: From Fading to Warping 

Most people briefly glance at their front door after grabbing their key yet few spend more than a couple of seconds analyzing the door’s aesthetics for understandable reasons. Take a close look at your front door the next time you head outside or return from a walk or errands. Look closely at the door and you’ll likely find signs of sun damage. 

Sunlight causes doors to fade and even warp. It is possible that prolonged exposure to sunlight will warp the door to the point that it is difficult to open, close, and lock. Not only is this inconvenient but also such a compromised door amounts to an invitation for intruders to break in.

Choosing the Best Exterior Door for Direct Sunlight

No two exterior doors are exactly the same. Though homeowners might not be familiar with the differences between front doors, those who work in the industry are quick to testify that some are better for absorbing direct sunlight than others.

Material Matters: Fiberglass, Wood, and Beyond

UV rays have the potential to fade the color of wood doors significantly. Sunlight can also crack wood doors, prompting premature replacement. In contrast, fiberglass doors are built with Mother Nature in mind. Choose a Plastpro sun-resistant fiberglass door and you’ll find it looks the same or similar to how it did on the date of initial installation several years later. 

Fiberglass doors do not crack, warp, or fade when subjected to sunlight. They have minimal reaction to alterations in temperature, meaning they will not cup. Though a fiberglass door on the side of a home that receives the most sunlight will fade in due time, it will retain its aesthetic appeal long beyond the point at which paint on wood fades.

Plastpro's Sun-Resistant Door Solutions

Choose a Plastpro sun-resistant door and rest easy knowing your front door selection will look great and hold strong against the sun’s wrath. Our fiberglass doors were specifically designed for doors subjected to significant amounts of harsh sunlight. 

Sun-resistant door technology has gradually innovated to the point that the industry’s best exterior doors for direct sunlight are characterized by features and benefits that are specifically related to sun protection. 

Each Plastpro door comes equipped with a proprietary, high-density polyurethane core that aids with durability, energy efficiency, and door security—helping to make your next fiberglass door your last. With doors available to accommodate severe weather or the possibility of wildfire, you’ll be as prepared as possible for anything the elements throw your way. 

Finding the Best Paint for Front Doors That Get a Lot of Sun

If you are like most homeowners, you might be tempted to choose any old paint from your local home improvement or paint store. The common misperception is that all door paint is pretty much the same. Do your due diligence and you’ll find UV-resistant paint is on the market. Such paint is considered the best paint for front doors that get a lot of sun as it protects the fiberglass beneath for continued beauty and functionality.

For water-based applications of Plastpro doors, use high-quality, acrylic latex-based exterior grade paint. Plastpro recommends using Sherwin Williams PrepRite® Bonding Primer with compatible acrylic latex paint for optimal paint adhesion.

Check out Plastpro’s series of how-to guides for more DIY tips and information for painting and staining doors of a variety of different grains and textures. 


Benefits of UV-Resistant Paints

Paint that is UV-resistant is specially designed to maintain door color and integrity for posterity’s sake. Such paints were carefully designed to shield the door material from the sun’s harmful rays. Though it is recommended to install a fiberglass door, UV-resistant paints are still somewhat effective on non-fiberglass doors. 

No paint is 100% fade-proof. However, UV-resistant paints resist the impact of direct sunlight, ensuring the door retains its lovely hue for as long as possible.

Application Tips for Maximum Protection

The subtleties of how you apply UV-resistant paint to your front door matter a great deal. If your door looks even slightly dirty, clean it before painting to guarantee you aren't painting over debris and dust. Apply painter's tape to conceal the hinges. If the paint you select does not have primer, be sure to prime the door to ensure the paint sticks.

Though rushing through the painting of your door will be a bit stressful, it is in your interest to paint at a quick pace as there is the potential for the paint to dry. Dry paint starts to clump, compromising the door aesthetic. 

Pay close attention to detail when applying your paint and you’ll guarantee the door withstands the sun’s wrath for years. Start painting at the top of the door, gradually moving downward toward the bottom without taking lengthy breaks in an effort to prevent paint from drying and forming into globs. 

Door Installation and Maintenance Tips for Longevity

The way in which you approach installing and maintaining your front door plays a large part in determining its functionality and aesthetic appeal in the years ahead. Protection against the sun and maintaining visual beauty certainly matter yet it is longevity that counts the most. You paid good money for your door so don’t rush through the installation process or skip over maintenance, assuming merely getting the door upright will suffice.

The positioning of the door and its ongoing upkeep are subtleties that might seem minor yet are actually quite important. A door that faces the west is especially likely to endure sun damage as the sun rises in the west.

Wipe down your door with a cleaning agent and rag at least once per month, eliminating all the grime. If possible, consider adding an awning over the front door if it is not already covered in an attempt to mitigate sun exposure and damage. 

Even a small canopy will help prevent the sun's rays from reaching the upper half of the door. Every homeowner should also consider adding a door sealant to form a barrier between the door and the rays of the sun. Sealant makes it easier to keep the door cool and also mitigates fading.

If you aren't enthusiastic about the prospect of adding an awning or canopy, consider the merits of an overhang. Any of these three options can be sized specifically to your front door for optimal protection.


Your Sun-Protected Exterior With Plastpro

Be careful when selecting the material and paint for your exterior door. Recognize that sunlight is a legitimate threat to your door, consider the merits of Plastpro fiberglass doors and you’ll have one less thing to worry about in the context of home maintenance.

If you are interested in a new door, look no further than Plastpro’s fiberglass doors, the best material for long-term durability and quality. We invite you to find your local Plastpro distributor from our helpful Where to Buy page to get the ball rolling on your new exterior door!

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