How to Secure a Door From Being Kicked In | Plastpro | Plastpro Inc

Door security is one of the top considerations for most homeowners. Whether running a quick errand or taking an extended vacation, leaving home without worrying about security can make every trip that much more peaceful—and can make time inside more comfortable.

Certain exterior doors are better equipped for door security than others, but how can you be sure that your entryways are truly secure? Luckily, there are a number of steps you can take to secure your door against possible intruders.

Those attempting to break into the home most likely won’t be delicate—often either breaking a window or trying to kick the door in. Let’s take a look at how you can secure a door from being kicked in.

5 Ways to Secure a Door From Being Kicked In

1. Upgrade Your Lock—And Use It

It goes without saying that door locks are an essential element of overall door security, but with the number of options available, determining the best exterior door lock can be a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be.

One of the most important qualities to look for in a door lock is its grade. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) measures a lock’s strength and assigns it a grade, ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 3, with Grade 1 being the most secure. Choosing a lock with at least Grade 2 security will help reinforce your door against most forced entry attempts.

While a standard high-grade deadbolt lock will work well to secure the door, you may also consider going with an advanced lock system such as a multipoint lock. Multipoint locks use multiple deadbolts to secure the door—typically one at the top, middle, and bottom of the door. This makes it incredibly difficult to kick down or break through the door.

Once you’ve installed a new door lock, the most important thing is to use it. While the convenience of using the lock in your door knob may be tempting, locking your deadbolt or other lock system every time you leave will provide far more protection.

2. Secure the Hinges

While the lock is essential to securing your door from being kicked in, the hinges play an equally important role. Not only should you routinely clean and check on your hinges, but you can also take additional steps to ensure they’re secure by replacing the original screws. 

Most often, doors come equipped with hinge screws that are an inch or less in length. Replacing these with screws that are at least two-and-a-half inches in length can provide a boost to door security and make it harder to break down the door.

When doing this, make sure you replace each screw one-by-one so that the position of the door doesn’t shift. When in doubt, consult with a professional on how to ensure the door doesn’t become misaligned.

3. Reinforce the Door Glass

If your door has glass, this can be an especially vulnerable area for break-in attempts. However, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice the benefits of natural light—so the next step is securing all door glass.

The easiest—and most subtle—way to secure door glass is to use security film. It won’t prevent the window from being broken, but it’s designed to help prevent the glass from shattering and allowing intruders to reach the door lock or knob.

4. Consider a Door Security Bar

One of the most secure measures you can take to prevent your door from getting kicked in is to use a door security bar. This steel bar is installed horizontally across the door and makes it nearly impossible for the door to be kicked in or broken down. 

Door security bars work best in situations where you’ll be away for an extended period of time—such as while on vacation or for your vacation home. Installation is straightforward, and the additional protection the security bar provides is priceless.

5. Choose the Best Door and Door Frame

At the end of the day, the best door security comes from choosing a highly secure door and door frame. Solid wood, steel, or fiberglass doors can all be good options when it comes to front door security. Specifically, fiberglass doors are a preferred choice due to their enhanced security, high durability, and low maintenance needs.

One of the most important elements when choosing the most secure door is the door core. Look for a door equipped with a high-density core as this will make kicking the door in very difficult.

While a highly secure door will boost your entryway, pairing it with a weak door frame won’t do much good. It’s equally important to pair your door with a strong door frame—typically one made of composite material. Unlike wood, these frames won’t warp or weaken over time.

Secure Your Entryway With Plastpro

You shouldn’t have to worry about the security of your entryway. The factors listed above will go a long way in ensuring your door is secure against being kicked in, broken down, or failing in any other manner.

When it comes to door security, always start with the door and frame. Plastpro’s fiberglass exterior doors are designed specifically with security in mind. Equipped with a high-density polyurethane core, Plastpro doors are built to withstand whatever comes their way—including intruders. They also feature an full-length lockblock that can accommodate most lock types, including multipoint locks.

Pair a Plastpro fiberglass door with a PF Door Frame to create an entryway that is nearly impenetrable. Plastpro’s PF Door Frames are longer lasting and more secure than wood or steel, while requiring less maintenance than either.

To find out how to secure your entryway with Plastpro, visit our Where to Buy page to find a dealer today.

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